Our programmes


We use the best available evidence to develop recommendations to improve health and social care.

Our guidance takes many forms: NICE guidelines (clinical, social care, public health, medicines practice), technology appraisals, interventional procedures, medical technologies, diagnostics and highly specialised technologies.

Find NICE guidance

Financial planning

Use our financial planning tools to plan ahead, explore opportunities for saving money and make decisions on the most effective way to use your resources.

NICE advice

NICE advice provides summaries of the best available evidence for medicines and MedTech innovation briefings designed to support NHS and social care commissioners and staff.

Shared learning

Learn from other organisations and see how they implement NICE guidance locally.

Our library of case studies shows how our guidance is being used to improve the quality of health and social care.

Standards and indicators

Quality standards provide measurable quality improvements within a particular area of health or care.

We also develop indicators for commissioners and primary care.

Patient safety

Our role in helping to improve patient safety and reduce the risk of harm across the health system.

Managed access

Managed access allows patients to access promising new treatments that would otherwise not be recommended because it is too uncertain whether the treatment is cost-effective.