What we do

NICE is at the forefront of bringing better care to people. Our core purpose is to help practitioners and commissioners get the best care to patients, fast, while ensuring value for the taxpayer. 

We do this by:

  • producing useful and usable guidance for health and care practitioners
  • providing rigorous, independent assessment of complex evidence for new health technologies
  • developing recommendations that focus on what matters most and drive innovation into the hands of health and care practitioners
  • encouraging the uptake of best practice to improve outcomes for everyone.

Our programmes

Our different programmes include:

  • our guidance
  • financial planning tools
  • our advice
  • standards and indicators
  • topic selection.

NICE International

Our advisory service for international organisations, ministries and government agencies. Find out more about:

  • our consultancy services
  • speaking engagements
  • seminars
  • using our content outside the UK.

Life sciences

How industry can engage with us during health technology development to achieve better outcomes. Our services include:

  • NHS Innovation Service
  • UK Pharma Scan
  • Office for Market Access
  • scientific advice.

Digital health

Our aim is to improve patient access to the best digital health innovations. Our work in this area includes.

  • Office for Digital Health
  • support for developers
  • AI and digital regulations service
  • health technology assessment.

Real-world evidence framework

Advice for planning, conducting, and reporting real-world evidence studies used to inform NICE guidance. It is aimed at those developing evidence including manufacturers.

Digital evidence standards

Standards to help innovators and commissioners understand what good levels of evidence for digital health technologies look like.

Evidence and best practice resources

Resources that provide access to high quality authoritative evidence and best practice. This includes:

  • clinical knowledge summaries
  • journals and databases
  • British National Formulary (BNF)
  • our medicines awareness service.

Put our guidance into practice

Support and resources to help you make the best use of our guidance and quality standards. This includes:

  • implementation support
  • cost-saving guidance
  • the resource planner
  • shared learning case studies.

Social care

Guidance, advice and resources for social care. Our social care resources include:

  • quick guides
  • quality improvement resource for adult social care
  • child abuse and neglect guidance
  • social care trainers resource.

Patient access schemes liaison unit

More information about the pricing arrangements proposed by pharmaceutical companies to enable access to high cost drugs.


The accreditation programme assesses the processes used to produce guidance and advice.

Our research work

How we work with researchers, funders, charities and policy organisations to achieve high quality, impactful research.