Our advice programmes consist of a range of products that are either based on our guidance or involve a critical assessment of relevant evidence. However, these products do not have the status of formal NICE guidance, and do not contain new NICE recommendations.

Evidence summaries

These are summaries of the best available evidence to inform local NHS planning and decision making, for selected new medicines, off-label use of licensed medicines and unlicensed medicines.

These can be used to:

  • inform national commissioning decisions about medicines, for example by NHS England

  • provide information for healthcare professionals to inform their decision-making and support the development and updating of local formularies

  • help inform the public about a medicine and condition to help them make decisions about the medicine

  • provide information about an unlicensed medicine or off-label use of a licensed medicine that is being considered when there are no suitable alternatives licensed for that situation.

Learn how we select topics and prepare the summaries.

View evidence summaries

Medtech innovation briefings

Objective information on device and diagnostic technologies to aid local decision making by:

  • clinicians
  • managers
  • procurement professionals.

Read more about Medtech innovation briefings.

View medtech innovation briefings