We can help you engage with the healthcare system to speed up your access to market.

Our expert advice covers all stages of product development and commercialisation, so your new and innovative product can be adopted quickly.

This is a not-for-profit service, so we charge a fee to cover our costs. Talk to us about your technology and find out how we can help.

Make an enquiry

How we can help you

We bring together the best people to help you gain insight into your market access planning. We do this by:

  1. Working with you to understand the market access insights you're looking for.
  2. Identifying the best people in the healthcare system for you to engage with.
  3. Organising and facilitating confidential discussions with relevant stakeholders.

Engaging with us early in your planning could help you improve your market access approach. We can facilitate safe harbour engagement meetings with stakeholders from the healthcare system, and tailor the meetings to your requirements.

Set up a meeting

This service is independent of our guidance producing programme, to ensure there are no conflicts of interest.

Understand the landscape

Find out how to stay informed about changes in healthcare that may affect your technology.

Get expert advice

Identify the right route

We can help you understand the different routes to NHS access and navigate our available evaluation services.

Find routes to access

Explore your value

Find out how to engage with stakeholders early to make sure you achieve value for patients and the NHS

Engage with stakeholders