Quality standards advisory committee

The quality standards advisory committees (QSAC) are independent committees that help to develop our quality standards.

Come to a meeting

Committee members

We have 2 committees who:

  • prioritise areas for quality improvement
  • advise on the content of our quality standards in development
  • review our current quality standards.

The committees are independent. They consist of professionals, practitioners and lay members from a range of roles across health and social care.

Committees have a core membership who work across quality standard topics - we call these standing members. Standing members are joined by specialist committee members who are experts in a particular topic area.

Specialist members help to develop a particular standard. They join the QSAC to help:

  • refine the draft quality statements
  • look at stakeholder feedback
  • consider the impact of the standard on resources
  • review issues around equality
  • advise on other tools and resources to accompany the standard.

All members of the committees have equal status, which reflects the relevance and importance of their different expertise and experience.

Learn more about developing NICE quality standards.

Meet the committee

Find out about the QSAC committee members:

QSAC 2 members

QSAC 3 members

Details of specialist committee members can be found on the individual quality standard pages.

Committee documents

QSAC - terms of reference and standing orders (Word)

Next meeting dates

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, our quality standards advisory committee meetings are currently being held virtually.

Committee 2

  • Tuesday 12 September 2023
  • Tuesday 10 October 2023
  • Tuesday 14 November 2023.

Committee 3

  • Thursday 21 September 2023
  • Thursday 23 November 2023.