NICE guidelines are evidence-based recommendations for health and care in England.

They set out the care and services suitable for most people with a specific condition or need, and people in particular circumstances or settings.

Our guidelines help health and social care professionals to:

  • prevent ill health
  • promote and protect good health
  • improve the quality of care and services
  • adapt and provide health and social care services.

All our guidance applies to Wales too. You can find out more on the Welsh Government website.

Find NICE guidelines

View important dates in the development process and links to all guidelines in development (Excel).

Guideline types

  • clinical
  • social care
  • public health
  • medicines practice
  • cancer services
  • antimicrobial prescribing.

How we develop our guidelines

We work with health and care professionals, people who use services and carers to draft our recommendations. Find out how we choose our topics, draft and publish our guidelines.

Making decisions using our guidelines

Our guidelines can help you make decisions around prescribing medicines, what treatments to recommend and the promotion of safeguarding.

How to get involved

You can help draft our guidelines by registering as a stakeholder or joining a guideline committee.

Shared decision making

Our guidelines support shared decision making between healthcare professionals and those receiving care and treatment.

Maintaining and updating our guideline portfolio

We're changing how we manage and maintain our guidelines by prioritising which topics we monitor and update.