Evidence-based recommendations on the Debrisoft monofilament debridement pad for use in acute or chronic wounds.

In March 2019, this guidance was updated to include a review of the cost model using more recent values. New evidence and updated costs identified during the guidance review are denoted as [2019].

Is this guidance up to date?

Next review: This guidance will be reviewed if there is new evidence that is likely to change the recommendations.

Guidance development process

How we develop NICE medical technologies guidance

NICE medical technologies guidance addresses specific technologies notified to NICE by sponsors. The ‘case for adoption’ is based on the claimed advantages of introducing the specific technology compared with current management of the condition. This case is reviewed against the evidence submitted and expert advice. If the case for adopting the technology is supported, then the technology has been found to offer advantages to patients and the NHS. The specific recommendations on individual technologies are not intended to limit use of other relevant technologies which may offer similar advantages.

Clinical coding recommendations

Coding relevant to this guidance


NICE guidance states that this is for use in a community setting, this being primary care. OPCS-4 is only mandated for use in secondary care in the admitted patient care dataset. As this would be carried out by a nurse in community setting no OPCS-4 code would be assigned. Unless this is being considered for inpatients, the patients would need to be admitted under a consultant in order that and FCE to be generated OPCS-4 code assigned.

Possible OPCS-4 code if needed: wound debridement S57.1



939871000000108 | Debridement of wound of skin using debridement pad (procedure)


19273111000001103 | Physical debridement pad (physical object)

19257811000001102 | DebriSoft pad 10cm x 10cm (Activa Healthcare Ltd) (physical object)

  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)