Join a committee

NICE committees and working groups are made up of health, social care and other professionals, along with practitioners and technical experts. Other committee members include patients, service users, carers and members of the public.

Current vacancies for professional members and chairs are listed on this page.

View vacancies for patients, service users, carers and lay people

Watch lay members talk about their experience of our committees.

Health, social care and other professionals and practitioners

RoleNICE committee or working groupArea of NICETime commitmentApplication deadline
Member QbTest for the assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) committee (provisional title) Diagnostics Assessment Programme 6 months 05 October 2023
Member Type 2 diabetes in adults (medicines update) committee Clinical guidelines 18 months 04 October 2023
Topic expert AI for dermatology - skin cancer: reduce referrals by early detection of benign skin lesions (provisional title) Diagnostics Assessment Programme 6 months 03 October 2023
Member Medical technologies advisory committee (MTAC) Centre for Health Technology Evaluation (CHTE) 3-10 years 26 September 2023
Member Interventional procedures advisory committee (IPAC) Centre for Health Technology Evaluation 3 years 26 September 2023