Our indicators measure outcomes that reflect quality of care. They also look at processes that are linked by evidence to improved outcomes.

All our indicators are contained within our single indicator menu. This is made up of 4 types of indicator:

  • general practice indicators, suitable for use in the quality and outcomes framework (QOF)
  • general practice indicators, suitable for use outside of the QOF
  • Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) indicators
  • national library of quality indicators.
View the single indicator menu

You can download the full indicator menu (Word). You can also download the latest record of new and retired indicators (Word).

Indicators in development

We're currently developing potential indicators on:

  • lipid management
  • chronic kidney disease
  • learning disability
  • familial hypercholesterolemia
  • immunosuppression.

If you'd like to get involved, email the indicators team to register as a stakeholder.

How they're used

Our indicators can be used in a number of different settings to support high quality care. These include:

  • identifying where improvements are needed
  • setting priorities for quality improvement and support
  • creating local performance dashboards
  • benchmarking performance against national data
  • supporting local quality improvement schemes
  • showing progress that local health systems are making on outcomes.

How we develop them

Our indicators are underpinned by a robust evidence base and have been through a rigorous process. This includes:

  • development by an independent expert committee (including GPs, hospital consultants, public health and social care practitioners, NHS commissioners and lay members)
  • testing and piloting
  • public consultation.

We work in partnership with NHS Digital to develop and test the indicators and technical specifications. We publish all the background evidence used. Read the indicator process guide (PDF) to find out more.

Each indicator has:

  • a denominator, describing the target population included in an indicator
  • a numerator, describing the number of people in the denominator who should have the specified intervention, treatment or outcome
  • a description of the inclusions, exclusions and exceptions.

Find out more about the indicator advisory committee (IAC).

Contact us

To find out more about the programme, email indicators@nice.org.uk.