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Type (1 selected)


Guidance programme (1 selected)

Guidance programme

Showing 1 to 9 of 9

Guidance, NICE advice and quality standards in development
TitleTypeExpected publication date
Artificial intelligence technologies to aid contouring for radiotherapy treatment planning: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Artificial intelligence-derived software to analyse chest X-rays for suspected lung cancer in primary care referrals: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluationTBC
COLOFIT algorithm to guide colorectal cancer pathway referral in primary care: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluationTBC
Digital health technologies to help manage symptoms of psychosis and prevent relapse: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Digital pulmonary rehabilitation technologies for adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Digital technologies for managing low back pain: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Digitally enabled technologies to support treatment with weight-management medication in specialist weight-management services: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Digitally enabled weight management programmes to support treatment with weight management medication (alternative service model): early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation
Virtual reality for treating agoraphobia and agoraphobic avoidance: early value assessmentHealth technology evaluation

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  1. 10
  2. 25
  3. 50
  4. All