Highly specialised technologies evaluation committee

Our recommendations on the use of highly specialised technologies are made by an independent advisory committee. This is called the highly specialised technologies evaluation committee (HSTEC).

Come to a meeting

Committee members

Members are appointed for a 3-year term, and are drawn from:

  • the NHS
  • patient and carer organisations
  • academia
  • pharmaceuticals and medical device industries.

Although the committee seeks the views of organisations representing health professionals, patients, carers, manufacturers and government, its advice is independent of any vested interests.

Consultees and commentators

Consultee organisations include:

  • local and national groups representing patients and carers
  • bodies representing health professionals
  • manufacturer(s) or sponsor(s) of the technology in development
  • the Department of Health
  • specialised commissioning groups.

Consultees can submit evidence during the evaluation, comment on the evaluation documents and appeal against the committee's final recommendations. In addition, consultee organisations are asked to nominate patient experts, commissioning experts or clinical specialists.

Commentator organisations include:

  • manufacturers of comparator technologies
  • Welsh Government
  • the relevant National Collaborating Centre (a group commissioned by NICE to develop clinical guidelines), if relevant
  • research groups working in the area
  • other groups, including:
    • British National Formulary
    • Scottish Medicines Consortium
    • Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
    • Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for Northern Ireland
    • professional or patient organisations covering Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland only.

We invite commentators to take part in the evaluation process and comment on the various documents produced.

Learn more about developing NICE highly specialised technologies guidance.

Next meeting dates

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, our highly specialised technologies evaluation committee meetings are currently being held virtually.

  • Wednesday 10 May 2023
  • Thursday 08 June 2023
  • Thursday 13 July 2023
  • Thursday 03 August 2023
  • Thursday 14 September 2023
  • Thursday 05 October 2023
  • Wednesday 15 November 2023
  • Thursday 07 December 2023.

Dates and venues are subject to change.

Minutes from previous meetings