Help shape the future of NICE guidelines

We want to change the way NICE guidance appears online to make it more useful, useable, and used.

We’ve created an early prototype for how our Type 2 diabetes in adults: management guideline could look in the future, and we’d like to know what you think of it.

View the prototype

Building an improved digital experience

We’re exploring what it would look like to redesign NICE guidelines around the needs of people who use them. You can help shape the direction of this work by taking part in user testing or providing general feedback on what we’ve produced so far.

Find out how you can help

It’s been really fascinating to be involved in this process. I really appreciate it. It’s nice to see things from the other side. And honestly to get an appreciation of all the work that goes in to putting these guidelines together.

Diabetes specialist nurse

Why we are doing this work

Redesigning our guidance will help you find the up-to-date information you need when you need it and in the right format. It will make it easier to navigate, more accessible and enable you to access the underpinning evidence to support shared decision making.

Find out more about how we work in our blog.

Next steps

This is still a work in progress and will change as we do more user research. Your feedback will help us keep iterating and improving the prototype.

In the coming months, we will also be looking at content in other NICE guidance related to breast cancer, as well as the technology we use to write and publish our guidance.

Three people looking at a laptop stood in front of whiteboard

About the team

We are a multidisciplinary team including subject experts, technical analysts, user researchers, content designers and user experience designers.

If you would like to find out more about the project, how we work or just send us some general feedback, you can email the team at