Due to the impact of our NEWS2 update on other areas of the guideline we have delayed publication of Suspected Sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early management (update) to allow us to address these issues.  Further information and timescales will be provided shortly, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
24 March 2023 - 21 April 2023 Draft guidance consultation
09 February 2023 Pre-consultation documents released
24 January 2023 Stakeholder list updated
18 October 2022 Committee meeting
22 September 2022 Scope published
22 September 2022 Committee list updated
22 September 2022 Declaration of interests
22 September 2022 Equality impact assessment published

For further information on the guideline development process, please see how we develop NICE guidelines