Evidence-based recommendations on the CoaguChek XS system for self-monitoring coagulation status in adults and children. The recommendations originally included the InRatio2 PT/INR, but this was withdrawn from the market in October 2016 and is not currently available.

NICE has also published a medtech innovation briefing on microINR for anticoagulation therapy. Medtech innovation briefings provide information on new technologies and do not make recommendations to the NHS.

Is this guidance up to date?

We reviewed the evidence in November 2017. The recommendations were updated because the InRatio2 PT/INR is no longer available. We found nothing else that affects the recommendations in this guidance. The CoaguChek XS system has been updated since the guidance was published and we have summarised the main changes. The guidance applies to the updated system.

Next review: The guidance will be reviewed if there is new evidence that is likely to change the recommendations.

Guidance development process

How we develop NICE diagnostics guidance

  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)