NICE transformation plan
Our transformation plan details how we're evolving to meet the changing needs of our users.
Our annual report
Our annual report (PDF) contains information about performance, accountability and audit for 2021 to 2022. It also includes financial statements.
Our business plan
Our business plan (PowerPoint) explains our vision and priorities for 2022 to 2023.
Other publications
Framework agreement (PDF)
Our framework agreement explains the relationship between NICE and the Department of Health and Social Care.
There are also annexes to our framework agreement (PDF).
Triennial review 2014
An independent review of NICE by the Cabinet Office.
It concludes that 'NICE is a respected and valued organisation with an important role to play’ in the health and care system.
Gender pay gap report
We are required by law to publish our gender pay gap information. This report covers pay and bonuses. It also provides a breakdown of the distribution of gender across the pay quartiles at NICE.
Trade union facility time report
We are required by law to publish data on our recognised trade union facility time. This report covers the time of trade union officials and percentage of their time spent on facility time. It also shows how much of our pay bill is spent on facility time.
Withdrawal from the EU
Changes to health technology evaluation at NICE after the transition period.
Our charter
A guide to who we are and what we do.
Gender equality plan 2023-25 (Word)
This gender equality plan is a requirement of Horizon Europe. The plan is a welcomed opportunity to focus on gender inequalities and set gender-specific objectives as part of our broader EDI work at NICE.
Modern slavery and human trafficking statement
Our statement sets out what we're doing to support the government’s objective to eradicate slavery and human trafficking.