Charging for technology appraisals and highly specialised technologies

We now charge for our technology appraisal (TA) and highly specialised technologies (HST) assessments.

The new regulations and charges came into effect on 1 April 2019.

Small companies will receive a 75% discount and can choose to pay in instalments.

Our charging procedures

Full details of our charging terms and conditions.

What are the costs?

Costs for larger companies

ProductCharge 2022/23Charge 2023/24
Single technology appraisals (STA) £142,800 £151,700
Single highly specialised technology evaluations (HST) £142,800 £151,700
Cost comparison (CC)/ Rapid reviews (RR) £100,000 £106,200
Multiple technology appraisals (MTA) - standard (covers up to 3 technologies)
Charges are split between participating companies and the 75% discount applies to any participating small companies.
£214,200 £227,600
Multiple technology appraisals (MTA) - complex (covers more than 3 technologies)
Charges are split between participating companies and the 75% discount applies to any participating small companies.
£285,600 £303,400

Costs for small companies

ProductCharge 2022/23Charge 2023/24
Single technology appraisals (STA) £35,700 £37,925
Single highly specialised technology evaluations (HST) £35,700 £37,925
Cost comparison (CC)/ Rapid reviews (RR) £25,000 See the pricing table for larger companies
Multiple technology appraisals (MTA) - standard (covers up to 3 technologies)
Charges are split between participating companies and the 75% discount applies to any participating small companies.
See the pricing table for larger companies See the pricing table for larger companies
Multiple technology appraisals (MTA) - complex (covers more than 3 technologies)
Charges are split between participating companies and the 75% discount applies to any participating small companies.
See the pricing table for larger companies See the pricing table for larger companies

Are the charges mandatory?

Yes, once a technology has been formally referred to us for assessment from the Secretary of State. We reserve the right to pause the assessment if payment is not received by the deadline we've provided.

Where an assessment requires substantially different resource to that of a standard assessment, alternative cost models may be explored by NICE using a methodology consistent with managing public money.

As per section 8c of the The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2018 ( we regularly review our policies and procedures and may revise them where appropriate. The prices effective from 1 April 2023 reflects the inflationary increases since April 2022.

Timings for charging

Companies contacted at the start of our process

We contact companies at the start of our process to let them know that their technology is being considered for assessment. This is to make companies aware that their technology is in line to be assessed and explain our charging procedure.

Payment due before the start of the assessment

After we have received a formal referral to assess a technology by the Secretary of State, payment will be requested and is required before the start of the assessment.

We send details of charges and how to pay directly to the company.

We expect payment within 30 days of receipt of the invoice.

Charging timelines

Our timelines show where in our assessment process companies will be charged.

Technology appraisal timelines

The timelines cover:

  • cancer technologies
  • non-cancer technologies
  • the charging points for small companies.

View TA charging timelines.

Highly specialised technologies timelines

The timelines cover:

  • highly specialised technologies
  • the charging points for small companies that pay through instalments.

View HST charging timelines.

Help for small companies


Small companies will receive a discount of 75% of the cost of an assessment.

Phased payments

Small companies have the option to spread the cost through instalments:

  • 40% of the charge at the start
  • 50% when NICE first meets to consider the recommendation (normally around halfway through our process)
  • 10% immediately before publication of the final recommendation.

What is classed as a small company?

A small company must meet at least 2 out of 3 of the following conditions:

  • annual turnover: not more than £10.2m
  • balance sheet total: not more than £5.1m
  • average number of employees: not more than 50.

As defined in Section 382 of the Companies Act 2006.

Help and advice

Please contact if you have any questions about our charging process.