
We use the best available evidence to develop recommendations that guide decisions in health, public health and social care.

Published guidance on this topic (2)

NICE advice

Critical assessment of evidence to help you make decisions. Advice, rather than formal NICE guidance.

Published advice on this topic (1)

  • New advice in the last 6 months (0)
  • Updated advice in the last 6 months (0)
  • In development advice (0)

Quality standards

Set out priority areas for quality improvement in health and social care.

Published quality standards on this topic (1)

  • New quality standards in the last 6 months (0)
  • Updated quality standards in the last 6 months (0)
  • In development quality standards (0)

Guidance by programme

Advice by programme

Products being developed or updated

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Our committees and working groups help to develop our guidance, standards, advice and other resources.

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Stakeholders can comment on draft guidance and participate in workshops and events.

Blog on this topic

NICE and NIHR: working together to produce research with impact

NICE and NIHR: working together to produce research with impact

Alice and Zoe discuss how the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and NICE work in partnership and identify key research priorities from NICE guidance.

Putting guidance into practice

Shared learning

Examples of how our guidance and standards have been put into practice in the NHS, local authorities, voluntary sector and a range of other organisations.

Showing 3 of 4 shared learning examples for this topic:

View all 4 shared learning examples